
Action Network for Migrant Workers – ACTFORM

Colombo, Sri Lanka
Joined April 2017

Presently in Sri Lanka, engaged with ACTFORM developing programmes that promotes and protect rights of migrant workers (with special focus on women migrants in West Asian Countries.

Presence in: Sri Lanka
Focus: Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Labor & Employment, Livelihoods, Right to Information, Women's Rights

Name: Action Network for Migrant Workers

Objectives of the Association are:

To work together as a network towards creating a just society that respects and protects human rights

specially whose related to migrant workers and members of their families and through lobbying and advocacy on policy and policy reforms and intervening to address issues of migrants particularly of women.

Specific objective

Subject to amendments and inclusion of other objectives in accordance with contemporary needs and emerging situations ACTFORM shall work to achieve following specific objectives:

1        To strengthen the rights of migrant workers, by forming a strong legal framework which will enable to overcome some of the problems they face;

2        To create awareness among different layers of society to ensure that women migrant workers’ dignity and self-respect is safeguarded and thus to improve their quality of life;

3        To strengthen organizational capacity of network member organizations to effectively deal with issues of migrant workers;

4        To act as a pressure group influencing through lobbying for change of government policies towards promotion and protection of rights of migrant workers;

5        To work against human trafficking;

6        To offer counseling and outreach programs to victims of human rights violations

7        create awareness among migrant workers of their rights and of practical issues of migration process.