
Center for Access to Justice Peace and Human Rights

Freetown, Sierra Leone
Joined December 2012
Presence in: Sierra Leone

Center for Access to Justice Peace and Human Rights (CAJPHR) is a legal empowerment Non Governmental local/national organization that works to promote access to justice, peace and the protection, enhancement and promotion of human rights of rural communities is in Sierra Leone through trainings, outreach work,legal aid services, community sensitization and advocacy.

Our operational areas for now include Waterloo Rural District, in the Western area, Moyamba and Pujehun districts in Southern Sierra Leone.

Our Head office is located at 124B Liverpool Street, Benguema, Waterloo and our branch office is at Medewa section Johnny Layout off Shellmingo Bo, southern Sierra Leone.
CAJPHR is a new organization that is currently providing free legail aid services for vulnerable peole in the Waterloo community and in Pujehun. There currently three paralegals working on voluntary basis with the laywer for the organization.