

New York, United States
Joined August 2017

JustFix.nyc is a non-profit organization that provides digital services for New Yorkers dealing with the repercussions of gentrification and displacement.

Presence in: United States
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Right to Information

JustFix.nyc builds digital services for New Yorkers in neglectful housing situations. In New York alone, 1.2 million people live in a deficient housing situation, meaning that they have more than 3 outstanding violations in their homes. Working-class families who seek legal remedies face many barriers and have no right to counsel, meaning over 90% of tenants go to housing court without legal representation.

We are working to bridge this gap in legal empowerment. Our first product is a webapp for tenants that simplifies the steps to take in addressing repair and harassment issues. It provides resources in a personalized manner based upon things like neighborhood the user lives in, their type of housing, and the issues that they face.

JustFix.nyc was developed during the 2015 Blue Ridge Labs fellowship program, and has garnered widespread support from policy experts, frontline service providers, and tenants throughout the city. Our efforts are currently focused on supporting community organizers and other on-the-ground advocates in building group actions and fostering more resilient neighborhoods.