
Mmutlwa wa Noko

Groot Marico, South Africa
Joined November 2017

Mmutlwa wa Noko empowers communities to make vital inputs to decision takers regarding the environment, especially the Groot Marico River, on which they are dependent, within the framework of the law.

Presence in: South Africa
Focus: Education, Environmental Justice, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Labor & Employment, Livelihoods, Right to Information

Mmutlwa wa Noko – literally the thorn of the porcupine  in Setswana – is an entirely voluntary association that has been working since 2010 to PROTECT the strategically significant and vital water resource of the Groot Marico River, its  Catchment, aquifers and unique biodiversity in the North West Province of South Africa. This is the only source of surface water in a semi-arid and water scarce region with water that is so pure  in the Upper reaches that it is safe to drink directly from the river.

Our  primary campaign is ‘IAP: INFORM, ASSIST, PROTECT’ . We ASSIST individuals and communities who are affected by decisions made regarding their environment, especially the river, on which many are totally dependent for their existence, livelihood and wellbeing, by INFORMING them of their rights and providing them with the knowledge, tools, opportunity and courage to make vital inputs to the relevant authorities and decision takers. In line with this we ensure that proper procedures within the law are followed. We communicate in  the old fashioned way – by meeting with people  – as there is very little technological infrastructure in this rural area.

We also create awareness of the cultural, spiritual and ancestral importance of this vibrant region with  presentations at meetings and  conferences locally and nationally and a social media campaign.

We support development that is economically viable and sustainable in harmony with the environment to ensure a future for all.  We facilitated and were involved in the creation of very first community permaculture garden  in Reboile township adjoining the town of Groot Marico and  are partners in the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s ‘A Re Itireleng project’ (Doing it for Ourselves)

The porcupine quill not only represents  all cultures working together in accomplishing a common goal but also man and nature’s interdependence. We are passionate about the environment and people!