
Natural Resources Alliance of Kenya (KeNRA)

Nairobi , Kenya
Joined April 2014
Presence in: Kenya
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Environmental Justice

KeNRA (Natural Resources Alliance of Kenya) is an alliance of more than Thirteeen Kenyan CSOs/ CBOs that deal with natural resources issues. KeNRA is the National Grouping of IANRA (International Alliance on Natural Resources in Africa)with head offices based in Johannesburg, South Africa.
KeNRA aims to to consolidate and/or coordinate community efforts in advocating for policies and legislation that promotes equitable access, control and sustainable use of Natural Resources in Kenya.
Our main activities include;
1. Training and community sensitization on policies/legislation.
2.Advocacy campaigns on policy change/ review and legal reforms on natural resources in Kenya.
3.Influencing national and county governments allocation and utilization of resources to ensure community befits from natural resources.
4.Litigation on natural resource based public interest cases.
5.Networking with other organization/institutions locally, nationally and internationally on natural resources forums and conferences