
Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre

Lahore, Pakistan
Joined April 2021

Assisting women and marginalized communities across Pakistan and beyond to be more resilient, better informed, vocal, visible, and organized for inclusive and democratic societies.

Presence in: Pakistan
Focus: Gender-based violence, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Women's Rights

Shirkat Gah (SG) works as a resource centre for advocacy, capacity building, knowledge production and dissemination, SG partners with civil society actors and government institutions to bring about more inclusive democratic societies. SG is a member of multiple government committees for policy making and
implementation. SG has contributed to national, regional and international agenda setting processes.

SG’s core competencies are:
* Advocating for the formulation and implementation of gender-responsive laws, policies, and practices
* Building the knowledge base, skills & capacities of women & girls to claim their entitlement to rights, quality services & resources
* Generating cutting-edge knowledge for advancing women’s rights and democratic governance
* Strengthening grassroots organizing, local-to-global solidarity and actions to tackle social exclusion, discrimination & vulnerability
* Engaging governments, male allies, media, researchers, rights organizations and others to be responsive to a feminist change agenda
* Creating innovative approaches to increase women’s participation and decision-making in families, communities and governance systems
* Supporting the government of Pakistan to meet national & international obligations

Areas of focus are:

Bodily Integrity: Combat all forms of gender-based violence, including child, early-age and forced marriages; promote decision-making,
especially with regards to reproductive health and personal status law

Representational Government: Multiply and amplify voices for gender equality at all levels; enhance women’s participation and decision-making
in political and public processes

Conducive Gender-Equality Policy Environment: Promote appropriate national laws/policies and compliance with selected international human
rights and development commitments

Feminist Agenda Setting: Deepen feminist analysis; promote insights in national and transnational discourses