
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

Harare, Zimbabwe
Joined August 2015
Presence in: Zimbabwe
Focus: Governance, Accountability & Transparency

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) is a not for profit human rights organization whose core objective is to foster a culture of human rights in Zimbabwe as well as to encourage the growth and strengthening of human rights at all levels of Zimbabwean society through observance of the rule of law. ZLHR is committed to upholding respect for the rule of law and the unimpeded administration of justice, free and fair elections, the free flow of information and the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms in Zimbabwe and the surrounding region. It keeps these values central in its programming activities.
ZLHR is a national membership organization consisting of around 170 lawyers and law students, who voluntarily associate, pay a membership fee and carry out human rights promotion and protection activities due to their interest in human rights and the rule of law. A Secretariat of 36 people, 14 of whom are lawyers, are employed full time to implement the organization’s objectives and the policy decisions of a Board of 11 members elected by, and reporting to, the general membership at an Annual General Meeting. ZLHR holds Observer Status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), forms the Secretariat of the Human Rights Committee of the SADC Lawyers Association, and has affiliate status with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ).