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Published Year

The Impact and Assessment of Improper Mine Closures in South Africa: Community Perspectives on Human Rights

This report by Network member Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) seeks to demonstrate improper mine closure in South Africa. The ...

Fact Sheet: 2022 Sierra Leone Land Laws

In September 2022, the President of Sierra Leone signed into law two innovative bills that significantly improve communities’ ability to protect ...

Communities and Investor Contracts Guide

This guide has been developed to support communities and paralegals as they enter into and negotiate contracts with people and ...

The National Land Commission Act, 2022 (Sierra Leone)

The National Land Commission Act 2022 was passed in Parliament on 2nd and 8th of August 2022 and signed by the President ...

The Customary Land Rights Act, 2022 (Sierra Leone)

The Customary Land Rights Act 2022 was passed in Parliament on 2nd and 8th of August 2022 and signed by the President ...

Citizenship and Nationality Rights Case Digest

The Citizenship and Nationality Rights Case Digest is a compilation and analysis of cases from Kenya and all over the ...

A Cost Benefit Analysis of Legal Aid in Kenya

Existing evidence across the globe suggest that legal aid services contribute positively to socio-economic development. In particular, legal services should ...

The Role of Legal Empowerment Groups in Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa During the Pandemic

The widespread national lockdowns, introduced from March 2020 in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, exacerbated gender inequality and led ...

Kenya’s Community Land Act and Climate Resilience: A Toolkit for Communities and Paralegals

For most rural and indigenous people in Kenya, land is their greatest asset — their source of food, water, and livelihoods, ...

Os Direitos e Deveres das Pessoas Vivendo com HIV (The Rights and Responsibilities of People Living With HIV)

This brochure educates people living with HIV about their rights (including there rights to non-discrimination, confidentiality and universal anti-retroviral therapy) ...

O Direito à Informação na Saúde: O Direito de Pedir e Receber Informação (The Right to Information in the Health Sector)

This brochure educates communities about the type of information that they have a right to receive in relation to health ...

Folheto Informativo Sobre Cobranças Ilícitas (Informational Brochure on Bribery in Health Facilities)

This brochure aims to educate communities about bribery in health facilities, including how to identify and report such cases.


This report found that resourcing for work with and for incarcerated women and girls has failed to adequately address the ...

Making the Law Work for People: Legal Empowerment and Inclusive Innovation

In nearly every part of the world, the law and systems of justice are largely designed to protect those in ...

O Dever de Assegurar a Privacidade nas Unidades Sanitárias (The Obligation to Ensure Privacy in Health Facilities)

Um folheto para os trabalhadores de saúde que se concentra em estratégias concretas para assegurar a privacidade nas ...

Justicia de Género Durante y Más Allá de la Crisis de la COVID-19: Respuestas institucionales a la violencia de género y el rol de los grupos de empoderamiento jurídico

Las medidas adoptadas para contener la pandemia de la COVID-19 condujeron a un aumento de la violencia de género ...

Justiça de Gênero Durante e Além da Crise da Covid-19: Respostas institucionais à violência de gênero e o papel dos grupos de empoderamento legal

As medidas tomadas para conter a epidemia da COVID-19 levaram a um aumento da violência de gênero em ...

Gender Justice During and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis: Institutional Responses to Gender-based Violence and the Role of Legal Empowerment Groups

The measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in gender-based violence around the world. As governments ...

Group Ranches and the Community Land Act: Will We Correct the Mistakes of the Past or Repeat Them?

This policy brief argues that a people-driven, legally empowering implementation of Kenya’s Community Land Act (CLA) is necessary to ...

Informação Essencial Sobre a Tuberculose & Direitos dos Pacientes (Essential Information About Tuberculosis & Patients’ Rights)

Este livrinho fornece aos leitores informações essenciais sobre a tuberculose; as políticas do Ministério da Saúde ...

Accountability in Africa: Harm from International Financial Flows and Strategies for Supporting Community-led Access to Remedy

Every year, hundreds of billions of dollars flow into Africa from abroad. Regardless of motivations, these financial flows can have ...

Document Final du Sommet virtuel 2020 sur l’autonomisation Juridique en Afrique de l’Ouest

Nous, les participants du Sommet virtuel sur l’autonomisation juridique en Afrique de l’Ouest, nous sommes réunis virtuellement ...

Outcome Document of the West Africa Virtual Legal Empowerment Summit 2020

We, the participants of the West Africa Virtual Legal Empowerment Summit, assembled virtually from October 5-9, 2020 to begin a regional ...

Don’t Miss Your Chance: Evidence-Based Messages for Discussing the Community Land Act

This toolkit is designed to help CSOs, government, and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the law and help people ...

Implementation of the Community Land Act: A Guide for County Executive Committee Members (CECMs)

This Guide describes the roles and responsibilities that County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) have in supporting the implementation of the ...

[Webinar] Kenya’s Huduma Namba: Risks, Responses, and the Fight for Genuine Inclusion

This webinar draws on experiences in the response to Kenya’s transition to “Huduma Namba” to establish the need to ...


Network Movement for Democracy and Human Rights is a National Non-Governmental Organization with mission to promote human rights and governance ...


The Movement for Resettlement and Rural Development (MoRRD) Monthly Disaggregated Data on Cases Reported, Mediated, and Closed in Kenemafrom January ...