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Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results

The Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results is intended to:

■ Strengthen the results-oriented monitoring and evaluation function and capacity in UNDP for the purpose of improving programmes and policies, organizational learning and accountability;

■ Introduce simplified, streamlined and flexible approaches and tools to monitor progress towards outcomes that are consistent with the org a n i z a t i o n ’s simplification initiative and that draw on the experience of UNDP and its partners;

■ Present methods to link the outputs of UNDP projects, programmes, policies, partnerships and “soft” assistance with progress towards outcomes within the Strategic Results Framework (SRF);

■ Explain new innovations and methodologies in results-oriented monitoring and evaluation, including the role of partners;

■ Provide practical guidance to country offices on monitoring and performance assessment.


The Handbook is organized as follows:

Part I presents the conceptual and operational framework for monitoring and evaluation in a results-based context. It introduces the elements of the new framework, defines the key concepts of outcome monitoring and outcome evaluation, and delineates their scope and purposes.

Part II is the main body of the Handbook, intended for daily use. It provides practical guidance on the planning, organization and conduct of monitoring and evaluation processes focused on development results (outcomes and outputs). It provides approaches and methods that can be used to measure performance through monitoring and evaluation. The corresponding tools are featured in annexes.

Part III discusses performance measurement and the use of indicators in monitoring and evaluation.

Part IV addresses the role of evaluative evidence for organizational learning and knowledge management.

Uploaded on: Jul 22, 2016
Year Published: 2002

Resource Tags

Resource Type: Practitioner Resources Issues: Community Paralegals, Generalist Legal Services, Other Tool Type: Manuals & Guides, Training Resources & Popular Education Method: Research Languages: English Regions: > Global