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New report launched with the National Land Commission

On 3rd October, together with the National Land Commission, we launched our latest research report dubbed, “Monitoring the Transition of Group Ranches to Community Land in Kenya.”  

The Chief guest, Hon. Nixon Korir, principal Secretary, State department of Lands and physical acknowledged that indeed the transition process has been slow and inadequately resourced. He commits to channel resources to implementing the community land Act and secure tenure rights for communities in Kenya.

The launched report highlighted the following:

Slow progress in the transition of undissolved group ranches to community land

The transition of group ranches to community land has been slow. As of May 2023, 7 years after the enactment of the Community land act,  only 46 out of 315 group ranches had fully transitioned. This represents only 14% of the undissolved group ranches in Kenya.

The main barriers to progress included conflicts among group members (39.7%), financial constraints (22.5%), lack of information on the transition processes (20.6%), and registration challenges (17.2%).

Despite the slow progress, the report reveals the significant impact the transition process has on tenure security, democratizing governance structures, and community involvement in decision-making.

The report makes practical recommendations to fast-track the transition while ensuring inclusivity and equality for all community members as follows:

  • Increased Resourcing of community land registration: The Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development should allocate sufficient human and financial resources to support the transition process.
  • Inclusive Statutory Forms: Review existing statutory forms, including the Community Land Act, CLA 2, and CLA 3, to include parameters such as gender, age, and physical disability, ensuring inclusivity in the transition process.
  • Enhanced Coordination: Improve coordination among various actors, particularly County Governments and the National Land Commission.
  • Sensitization Campaigns: County Governments should conduct continuous sensitization and awareness campaigns at the county and local levels to educate community members, leaders, and land officials about the transition process.

Call to Action: We have to get it right!

Understanding the significance of expediting the transition process for communities living on undissolved group ranches, while ensuring inclusivity and equality in the registration process, join us in advocating for:

  • Adequate Resourcing for community land registration process
  • Review of all statutory forms in the community land registration to include parameters like gender, age, and physical disability.
  • Enhanced Coordination among all Actors in the registration process.
  • Ensure Gender Inclusivity in the registration process.


Together, we can turn the recommendations of our research report into reality.

To download the full report click this link.

October 11, 2023 | Taylor Raymond