
Council on Foreign Relations Roundtable: Legal Empowerment and Justice for the Poor

The Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative of the Council on Foreign Relations is proud to announce the Legal Empowerment and Justice for the Poor Roundtable.

Good institutions–especially the fair rule of law and accountable governments that effectively serve their citizens–are prerequisites for sustainable, equitable, and inclusive growth that benefits the most vulnerable. Often those with the least power and voice are left out and left behind. Given the connection between poverty reduction and legal empowerment, a new generation of law and development practitioners are working to improve civil society’s ability to advocate and organize, to demand that elected officials deliver on promises, and to access local justice systems so laws are fairly enforced in practice as well as in theory.

Vivek Maru (Namati) and Michael Woolcock (World Bank) join CFR Fellow, Terra Lawson-Remer, in conversation to evaluate efforts of nonprofits and global development institutions to help all people exercise their rights, increase government accountability, and participate in governance.

The roundtable will be held on November 29, 2012 at 1777 F Street NW, Washington DC at 6pm.  It is reserved for CFR members.  To register, please contact Ashley Harden at 212.434.9539 or by email at

November 22, 2012 | Namati