
Centro Terra Viva (CTV)

Maputo, Mozambique
Joined March 2016
Presence in: Mozambique
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Environmental Justice

Centro Terra Viva – Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental (CTV – Environmental Studies and Advocacy) is a Mozambican non-governmental organisation dedicated to environmental research and intervention comprising professionals from an array of critical fields for environmental and natural resources management, with particular focus on Environmental Law, Environmental Conservation and Management, Environmental Information and Education, Rural Economy and Environmental Sociology.


A sort of natural reources management in Mozambique that is socially fair, environmentally sound, economically viable and institutionally repsonsible, based on scientific knowledge ensuring sustainability and fair and equitable sharing of benefits.


Contribute to improve the technical and scientific rationale of environmental decision making, so that the calls for public participation in environmental management included in the environmental policies, strategies and legislation be positively acted upon by a civil society able to give informed and relevant inputs in this field.

Our Goals

To promote participatory environmental governance deep-rooted on science, justice and legality;

To influence civil society participation in environmental protection and natural resources management by means of environmental education and awareness-raising activities;

To promote the appreciation and conservation of ecosystems and natural resources and encourage an equitable distribution of the benefits resulting from their sustainable use with the purpose of poverty eradication.

Our Principles and Values






