
Civic Participation Network (CPAN)

Kampala, Uganda
Joined November 2017

We work in mid western Uganda, a predominantly rural region. Our major focus has been community legal education and alternative dispute resolution through radio and community dialogue

Presence in: Uganda
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Criminal Justice, Environmental Justice, Governance, Accountability & Transparency

The Civic Participation Network (CPAN) is a charitable organisation that was established in July 2012 as a Think Tank, and was registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee in January 2015, to give benefit to the community through identifying and influencing best practice in capacity building and civic education, natural resources governance and human rights observation, advocating for inclusive, accountable and transparent processes that provide benefits, mitigate risks and improve lives of communities in Uganda and the Great lakes region.

We do this by promoting cross-community advocacy through education, grass root capacity building and empowerment initiatives as well as community driven developments by applying innovative approaches to governance while adhering to shared spiritual and universal values and principles for sustainable development goals.

We therefore strive to connect the marginalized isolated communities/groups, emphasizing the empowerment of the disadvantaged young women and men, girls and boys. CPAN focuses on empowering communities through appropriate sensitization and livelihood initiatives.

Our motto is: Giving hope, Connecting People, Enriching Lives


  • To create awareness among vulnerable communities on the prevailing socio-economic situation and support them for active participation in socio-economic development programs.
  • To organize youth and women into self-help groups and develop their entrepreneurial and leadership skills and facilitate decision making at personal and socio-economic levels.
  • To establish a manageable Training Centre for Community Development Training for various levels of people.