
Initiative for Social Economic Rights (ISER)

Kampala, Uganda
Joined May 2016

Independent, not-for-profit human rights organization responsible for promoting the effective understanding, monitoring, implementation, and realization of economic and social rights in Uganda.

Presence in: Uganda
Focus: Education, Health, Other

Our Vision

Ensuring social and economic justice for all.

Our Mission

The organization seeks to promote the effective understanding, monitoring, implementation, and realization of economic and social rights in Uganda.

Our Objectives

ISER’s mission is to promote the effective understanding, monitoring, implementation, accountability and ensuring full realization of economic and social rights in Uganda. The organization’s main objectives are:

  • To promote a human rights based approach to the design and implementation of legal and policy frameworks relating to social and economic rights
  • To build awareness about economic and social rights and explore strategies for securing their realization
  • To broaden individuals’ and communities’ access to economic and social rights in Uganda
  • To strengthen community participation in the design and implementation of social and economic policies and programs that affect them
  • To ensure government accountability for social and economic rights through community empowerment.
  • To mobilize and build capacity of Non Governmental organizations and the media to advocate more effectively for social and economic rights including using regional and international mechanisms.