
Landcode Initiative

Kampala, Uganda
Joined March 2019

Landcode focuses on developing and promoting land-based innovations so as to have more resilient communities by integrating a business model into its project actions for responsible tenure governance.

Presence in: Uganda
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Environmental Justice, Livelihoods, Traditional / Customary Justice, Women's Rights

Our Vision

A new world order where land and natural resources are utilised to the benefit of every community

Our Mission

To promote inclusive, people-centred and community-driven land governance for sustainable development.

Our Core Values

Human dignity and respect: safeguarding the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable human rights of all individuals who must not be left on the periphery in accessing opportunities, power, resources, services and benefits as well as being involved in decision making and community development processes.

Non-discrimination and unity: ensuring that no one is subjected to unfair treatment on basis of their sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, birth, creed or religion, culture, social circumstances, geographical background, economic standing, political opinion or disability by influencing necessary changes under the law and policies as well as in mind-sets and practice for harmony across communities.

Equity and justice: recognising differences between individuals and communities taking positive action, including empowerment, in order to promote equitable tenure rights and access to land and natural resources for all women and men, the youth and vulnerable as well as traditionally marginalised people.

Holistic and sustainable approach: acknowledging that natural resources and their uses are interconnected, and require adopting an integrated, fit-for-purpose and sustainable approach so as to ensure their effective administration for the benefit of every community including those categories of people who have inadequate welfare and/or are susceptible to risk of insecurity and/or are exploited.

Generally, we envisage that working through communal land associations will enable diversified livelihoods, protected tenure rights, increased food security, improved infrastructural facilities, efficient people-centred governance, reduced gender disparities, resilient market economy, and an empowered populace.