
Udayan Kutir Shilpa Protisthan (UKSP)

Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Joined February 2019

Mission Building a society friendly for girls and young women ensuring employment and free them from discrimination to live independently with honour and dignity. Vision Promotion of women right

Presence in: Bangladesh
Focus: Education, Gender-based violence, Health, Livelihoods, Women's Rights

Udayon Kutir Silpa Prothistan (UKSP) is a Community Based Organization (CBO) working for the betterment of the society by income-generating activities through training on skill development and entrepreneurship to young girls and vulnerable women. UKSP also works with advocacy program, capacity building, and leadership development among the unprivileged and distressed women in the community from the beginning. Focusing more with the issues of girls and women, it works with early marriage, reproductive health issues and more on CEFM and SRSR. UKSP is closely linked with departments of GoB and different stakeholders working with the same issue. Besides, for socio-economic development of Bangladesh, UKSP provides vocational training and technical programs like sewing, block, butik, screen-print of handicrafts to the women who are economically poor to support their livelihood. UKSP has a great number of women members and it works with awareness program among the young girls and women regularly on different social issues regarding women empowerment.

Goals of the Organization:

To impart training to destitute and hard-core poor women and youth (male and female) and helpless women on different Life –Skill training like tailoring science to make them self-reliant so that poor families become able to attain economic success. The result of which may expedite development of the project area and the country too through sustainable socio-economic development attaining the SDG.

Objective of the Organization:

(i) Increase consciousness regarding development of different women issues

(ii) Make women self-reliant through life-skill training and entrepreneurship development

(iii)  Make women skilled, expert and capable to income-generating opportunities through providing training on tailoring science and sewing

(iv) To work for ensuring communal relation and harmony through inter-religious and cross-cultural actvities