
Women Network for Energy and Environment (WoNEE)

Kathmandu, Nepal
Joined August 2020

Women Network for Energy and Environment is national network of grassroots women working on policy advocacy, capacity building and awareness raising for economic empowerment in the energy sector

Presence in: Nepal
Focus: Livelihoods

WoNEE aims to ensure women human right, energy and environmental justices,  through the wider advocacy campaign, capacity building and social mobilization at community level. It is established to increase the role of women in decision making process as well as employments and benefit sharing in the energy and environment sector.  WoNEE has numbers of local networks at different municipalities working on women empowerment , through capacity building  at local level.  The local network of WoNEE is a platform of women to raise voice for establishing gender justices. This bottom up approach of WoNEE is playing vital role to carry on the local issues at national level. WoNEE has reached to various vulnerable and marginalized communities through the local networks.

Furthermore, WoNEE contribute to be the premier women’s network that promotes the economic and professional growth and success of women in the energy and environment sector

The following are the set of objectives through which WoNEE  aims to achieve its goal:

  • To advocate for gender friendly energy policy, program and budget
  • To lobby for investment and benefits opportunity.
  • To build the capacity of women in energy and environment.
  • To raise awareness on Electrical Safety, Productive use and Energy Efficiency, Clean cooking , Impact of indoor air pollution  etc .
  • To educate and encourage women for energy based skills and employments.