
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom – Cameroon (WILPF Cameroon)

Douala, Cameroon
Joined March 2016
Presence in: Cameroon
Focus: Gender-based violence, Livelihoods, Other, Peace-building & Transitional Justice

WILPF Cameroon was created to ensure that Cameroonian women get involved in the global quest for social justice, especially as the country was facing increasing regional security challenges, the influx of refugees into the Northern and Eastern parts of the country and that is the reason why she decided to subscribe to a membership to WILPF considering the urgent need to focus on peace building, demilitarization and women’s rights.
Mission: Contribute to social stability by building a movement of women peacemakers to end and prevent war and ensure that women are represented at all levels in the process of consolidation of peace, to defend women’s human rights, and to promote social, economic and political justice.