
Indigenous Community Seeks International Support in Effort to Protect Ecuadorian Amazon

The Sani Isla Kichwa community is struggling to protect their ancestral land as the Ecuadorian government considers a plan to open up 4 million hectares of jungle to oil speculation and drilling.

Avaaz seeks to hold Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa Delgado to his commitment to protecting indigenous rights and the environment.  View the call to action here.

More information:

Ecuadorian tribe gets reprieve from oil intrusion (The Guardian)

Ecuador adopts rights of nature in constitution
(Rights of Nature)

How oil extraction impacts the rainforest
(Amazon Watch)

Drilling for oil in Eden: initiative to save Amazon rainforest in Ecuador is uncertain
(Scientific American)

Ecuador’s indigenous leaders oppose new oil exploration plans in Amazon region
(Earth Island Journal)

January 25, 2013 | Namati Author