
Employment Opportunity: Access to Justice Consultant- South Sudan

Pact, Inc. is seeking qualified applicants for a short term consultancy in South Sudan to assist Pact in designing the extension of its Access to Justice Program for the US State Department.

The Access to Justice Program is implemented in six rural Counties that typify fundamental rural access to justice issues in South Sudan including Nasir and Renk Counties in Upper Nile State; Akobo and Pibor Counties in Jonglei State; and Ikotos and Budi Counties in Eastern Equatoria State. The program seeks to increase access to justice in rural South Sudan through support to communities and civil society and state actors in the justice sector.

Pact intends to increase the capacity of justice service providers to administer justice, by providing capacity development and material support to county-level justice actors, including conducting legal training and delivering copies of laws to state-appointed judges and traditional leaders. At the same time, the program currently aims to improve citizens’ access to justice through activities like training and setting up community based paralegal groups, establishing and running Legal Aid Clinics and training individuals on their fundamental rights and access to justice options.

Click here for complete details.  Applications are due on December 14, 2012.  Candidates should apply via Pact’s website at

December 5, 2012 | Namati