
Groundtruthing Environmental Violations in Chhattisgarh, India

Namati and the Centre for Policy Research are pleased to release the second report in their series on community-led groundtruthing exercises in India.

The report, Closing the Enforcement Gap: Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Sarguja, Chhattisgarhoutlines how representatives from three villages in the state of Chhattisgrah in central India used the process of groundtruthing to establish that the felling of trees, water contamination, and dust pollution in their communities were the result of mining projects’ non-compliance with the law. It describes in detail how the communities systematically collected evidence and filed well-drafted complaints to the relevant institutions that could affect remedies. This process led to positive official remedies in some cases. In others, the follow up is ongoing.

The report, which was produced in collaboration with Janabhivyakti and Hasdeo Bachao Sangharsh Samiti (HABBS), can be accessed in full here. The first report in the series, Closing the Enforcement Gap: Findings of a Community-led Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Mundra, Kutch, can be found here.


If you are interested in learning more about the groundtruthing process, be sure to check out the webinar below:

August 1, 2016 | Namati Author

Region: India