Namati Mailers

Justice During a Pandemic: Webinar, Q&A, and New Resources

Now more than ever, the ability to know, use, and shape the law is critical. The world’s most vulnerable populations—the very communities we support through our legal empowerment efforts—are reeling from the repercussions of lockdowns and quarantines. Increasingly, access to health care, sick leave, and assistance with unemployment will hinge on the ability to know one’s rights and navigate complex systems. And as emergency actions escalate, citizens will need to ensure that governments do not use the pandemic as an excuse to entrench unjust or discriminatory policies.

There is much to do, but we are dealing with many unknowns. We must be responsible, careful, and creative in our role as justice advocates.

To help our community navigate this crisis, we’ve put together the following offerings, accessible in our new online space dedicated to COVID-19:

  • Ask a Pandemic Expert: Virtual Q&A with Whitney Adams
    Whitney is a global public health specialist who has implemented and advised on a number of pandemic preparedness programs. For the next few weeks, Whitney will answer questions posed by network members on how to best prepare for and respond to COVID-19. Please ask Whitney your questions here.

Please visit our online space for updates on future resources and opportunities. In a time when physical contact must be limited, we are working hard to leverage our network’s extensive e-learning and virtual convening capabilities in service of justice seekers everywhere.

Stay strong, vigilant, and safe. We are in this together.

March 27, 2020 | Abigail Moy

Region: > Global