Namati has joined with a coalition of organizations to produce a briefing paper on the place of land rights in the new Sustainable Development Goals.
The briefing has been endorsed by organisations such as ActioAid, Oxfam, Landesa, Global Witness and Habitat for Humanity.
It contains five headline recommendations:
1. The Post-2015 Agenda should advance and monitor progress on the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, including through recognition of customary and collective tenure systems.
2. The Post-2015 Agenda should make explicit reference to and monitor progress on the implementation of the Principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
3. The Post-2015 Agenda should advance and monitor progress on secure women’s land rights.
4. The Post 2015 Agenda should advance and monitor progress on secure land rights within sustainable cities and human settlements.
5. The Post-2015 Agenda should track progress on “secure rights to land and natural resources”, and not just “access”.