
Videos on Community Land Protection

Intro video title

Namati is thrilled to release four new videos that illustrate our approach to Community Land Protection.

The first video is an overview of our approach, while the second and third videos describe the challenging work of making maps, resolving land conflicts, harmonizing boundaries with neighbors, drafting by-laws to ensure just and equitable governance, and electing diverse leadership to ensure transparent, sustainable management of natural resources. The fourth video shows how we empower communities to negotiate with investors who come seeking land for business ventures.

Watch the Videos

The videos are also available in Spanish, French, and Portuguese. (Please contact us if you would like to request another language.)

Click to visit the Community Land Protection Program page

Produced by

Sinnwerstatt logo - small-01  &

Namati Logo Colour Web

Thank you to our Namati colleagues and partners for their creative input into these videos. And a big thank you to our volunteers: Austin Willacy, Angela Bustos, Noriel Campos, Veronica Ramirez, Edgar Gonzalez, Adrien Tofighi, Fanny Murith, Diana Vodden, and Kaleb Portillo, Daniela Serodio, Guilherme Chazan, Solédad Ronco, and Amy Bisno.

Rules snip Mapping snip Investors snip

March 17, 2015 | Rachael Knight

Region: > Global   |  Asia   |  South America   |  Sub-Saharan Africa