Dear Friends,
Law is supposed to be a sacred thread: that ties us together and protects each one of us.
But for billions of people around the world the law is broken. It’s an abstraction, or a threat, or a really bad joke.
Namati works to place the power of law in the hands of people.
In the coming years we have a tremendous opportunity to grow the movement for legal empowerment. Please consider supporting our work.
In our first three years, Namati has demonstrated how paralegals can address profound justice challenges working with 40,000 clients in eight countries; built a global network of over 2,500 individuals and 500 organizations dedicated to legal empowerment; and drawn on data from thousands of cases to advocate for 80+ improvements to laws and policies that have impacted millions.
We’re now poised to scale up legal empowerment solutions to major global challenges – protecting community lands, enforcing environmental law, and securing basic rights to healthcare and citizenship – and exponentially increase the connectedness, effectiveness, and profile of the field as a whole.
The global legal empowerment movement advances a world in which law is not an abstraction but rather a living thing. Laws and policies must reside not only in books or courtrooms but on the street, in the clinic, on the land, in the home, within the grasp of every person.
We invite your contribution to our work as we bring this vision into being.
The Open Society Foundation has generously agreed to match contributions 1:2 — they will invest an additional dollar for every two dollars we receive from others.
We look forward to sharing our progress with you in 2016.
Thank you and Happy New Year!