
Short documentary explores the critical role paralegals are playing in Moldova

“If it hadn’t been for the paralegal, I don’t know what would have happened to me”, recalls Svetlana, who lives in a rural community. Svetlana had been suffering from domestic violence.” It was impossible for my children and me to live in peace and quiet in the house”, she says.

After asking for help from a paralegal, she managed to file a complaint for a restriction order and later received qualified legal aid from the National Legal Aid Council. Watch this video to understand Svetlana’s story and the crucial role played by a paralegal in her case and in the lives of many others in her community.

Moldova paralegal video-landscapeThis video was developed by the project Legal Empowerment of Rural Communities through a Network of Community-based Paralegals, implemented by Soros Foundation-Moldova with the financial support of Sweden.

January 16, 2014 | Namati

Region: Moldova