
The International Rule of Law Movement

Namati’s CEO, Vivek Maru, has written a chapter for a new book published by Harvard University Press entitled The International Rule of Law Movement – A Crisis of Legitimacy and the Way Forward. Vivek’s chapter is entitled Legal Empowerment and the Land Rush: Three Struggles.

The chapter describes, by way of stories from Mozambique, Sierra Leone and India,  three key moments in the interaction between land-based communities and industrial firms: proactive rights protection, negotiation, and post-facto enforcement.  It offers insights for how to scale up legal empowerment at each of those moments.

Other chapters include essays by James A. Goldston, of the Open Society Justice Initiative and Deval Desai, formerly of the World Bank and now at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. The book is edited by David Marshall, head of the Global Issues section at the United Nations and former Rule of Law Advisor to the OHCHR.

You can order the book and see details of more chapters at this link.

The chapter is available in our publications database at this link.

July 22, 2014 | Namati