Global Land News Summary, Oct. 27th – Nov. 3rd
10.15.2013 – Nigeria: Lagos to acquire more farmland
Lagos State Government has said that it would soon acquire more lands for agricultural purposes in Osun and Oyo States as part of efforts to ensure food security…
10.23.2014 – Kenya: Harvest of hardship: Yala Swamp land grab destroys Kenyan farmers’ livelihoods
Dominion Farms arrived in Kenya’s Yala Swamp basin in 2004 with big promises… The locals, sold on this grand vision, decided – with some hesitation and dissent – to allow Dominion to farm on 3,700 ha of their lands. But a decade later, the communities have harvested nothing but hardship…
10.27.2014 – Nigeria: Indigenous Nigerian tribe demands compensation for land grab
One of Nigeria’s indigenous tribes is demanding compensation for land seized by the government more than 30 years ago. The Gbagyi say they were forced from their farms in Abuja to make way for the construction of the capital city.
10.27.2014 – Panama: Between the forest and the sea: life and climate change in Guna Yala [multimedia special feature]
The island-dwelling Guna people of Panama are one of the most sovereign indigenous communities in the world, being endowed with extensive land tenure and self-governance rights… But now severe weather and sea level rise are causing regular flooding on many of the islands, and will likely force the Guna to have to abandon their island homes for the mainland.
10.28.2014 – West Africa: Deforestation And Industrial-Scale Farming Could Lie Behind Ebola Outbreak
…Take for example the global palm oil industry, where a similar trend of deep-cutting into forests for agricultural development has breached natural barriers to the evolution and spread of specific pathogens…
10.28.2014 – The Democratic Republic of Congo: Congo Seeks Investors for Farmland Bigger Than France
The Democratic Republic of Congo plans to lease farmland covering an area larger than France in an attempt to attract capital and technology capable of boosting jobs and food productivity in one of the world’s poorest countries…
More: ‘More farmland in Africa?’
10.28.2014 – Uganda: Oil land grabs fuel deaths in Hoima
Two people were burnt to death on a disputed piece of land in Hoima that has been leased to McAlester Energy Resources Limited to construct an oil waste management facility.
10.28.2014 – Malaysia: Sarawak villagers’ dam blockade removed again, as heavy machinery move in
The year-long blockade by native villagers who are against the proposed Baram hydroelectric dam in Sarawak ended today with forestry officers, backed by armed policemen, removing the barricades in place.
10.29.2014 – Global: New Report Analyzes 73,000 Mining, Oil & Gas, Logging, and Agriculture Developments; Most Involve Land That Is Inhabited
In an analysis of almost 73,000 concessions in eight tropical forested countries, more than 93 percent of these developments were found to involve land inhabited by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. According to the research, conducted by The Munden Project, the total amount of land handed over by governments to the private sector for mining, logging, oil & gas drilling, and large-scale agriculture includes at least 40 percent of Peru and 30 percent of Indonesia…
More: ‘Q&A: The Costs of Developing Concessions On Inhabited Land’ Here
More: ‘Expect conflict when leasing inhabited land to business’
10.29.2014 – Global: Local communities rise to the forefront of global conservation practice (by Fred Nelson, Masliasili Initiatives)
…Even as much of the public and media attention around the environment gravitates towards inherently global problems related to climate change, today the delivery of conservation increasingly depends on supporting local rights, capacity and stewardship…
10.29.2014 – China: China moves to strengthen people’s land rights after violent clash
China’s top legislature aims to expand ordinary people’s right to sue the government if local authorities renege on contracts signed over land issues, following a violent clash earlier this month.
More: ‘Depriving women farmers of land rights will set back China’
10.30.2014 – Global: New UN principles on agricultural investment won’t stop land grabbing or hunger
The adoption last week by more than one hundred governments of the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems should have been cause for celebration. But… After a painstaking two-year negotiation process, the Principles lack the power to change the status quo…
Download the text of the Principles here:
10.30.2014 – Myanmar: Foreign Investment Zone Sparks Land Grab Outrage
As Myanmar’s real estate market booms, there are increasing complaints of land confiscation from people who say they are being illegally evicted from their property and cut out of huge profits. An industrial development zone just outside of the city has become a flashpoint…
10.30.2014 – Laos: Laos Plans to Allow Foreigners to Purchase Land in Controversial Move
Laos is to allow foreign investors to purchase land under a proposed law which some groups say would discriminate against locals and threaten national sovereignty…
10.30.2014 – Australia: Traditional owners granted Cape York title
…legal recognition over the land, which spans 680,000 hectares on the tip of the peninsula, means culturally significant sites are protected.
10.30.2014 – Guyana: Pinnacle Green Resources’ plans for Guyana: Green development or a land grab?
A company called Pinnacle Green Resources (Guyana) Limited is planning to develop bioenergy plantations and a biomass plant in Guyana…
10.30.2014 – Brazil: Killers of community leader must be brought to justice
The fourth anniversary of the killing of an outspoken community leader in Maranhão state must be a wake-up call to the Brazilian government to urgently address increasing violence in the region…
10.31.2014 – Cameroon: Tackling land grabbing in Cameroon
…the International Center for Environmental Education and Community Development, ICENECDEV has begun working together with other civil society organisations to clarify and enforce laws and regulations especially with regards to: Land governance of communal lands…
10.31.2014 – Cameroon: Protests As Traditional Chiefs Linked to Landgrab
Villagers in Cameroon have filed a petition to the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights protesting the alleged seizure of over 100,000 hectares of land by influential traditional leaders.
11.01.2014 – Myanmar: NGOs, Farmers Concerned After Reviewing Draft Land Use Policy
Some 70 representatives of farmers’ organizations and civil society organizations from different parts of Burma gathered [to] discuss[] the government’s new draft national land use policy. …They warned that the draft policy was distinctly “pro-business” and if left unchanged could affect the land rights of the country’s impoverished farmers.
More: ‘Myanmar farmers at risk of losing land under legal shift’
11.01.2014 – Papua New Guinea: Stay out of Papua New Guinea, KL Kepong told
Sahabat Alam Malaysia and Friends of the Orangutans held a protest outside the Kuala Lumpur Kepong head office in Ipoh demanding that KLK withdraw from Lot 5 in Collingwood Bay, Papua New Guinea and cease all its oil palm activities there.
11.02.2014 – Burundi: EU grants Burundi BIF 12b for land
The European Union funded project aimed at improving land management and governance will be implemented by GIZ for a period of 4 years.
11.02.2014 – Australia: NSW moves to ban Aboriginal land claims over beaches and coastal land labelled racist
Proposed laws preventing Aboriginal groups from making any land rights claims over NSW coastal areas with beach access have been labelled fear-mongering “racism”…
11.02.2014 – USA: Tribes Seek $2 Million to Purchase Final Piece of Pe Sla Sacred Lands Enlist the Help of ‘Indian Land Tenure Foundation’ and ‘Last Real Indians’
The struggle to protect Pe Sla continues as the owners who put the original 1,900 acres up for auction are now selling the remaining 438 acres of their ranch. The Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) seek to raise $2 million…
11.03.2014 – Global: New model contract will help protect developing countries from harmful ‘land grabs’
Governments in the developing world now have a powerful new resource to help them negotiate contracts to reduce harmful effects of large-scale land investments. The guide, the first of its kind, proposes model contract clauses that can fill gaps in domestic law and contribute to promoting more sustainable foreign agricultural investment.