
The Politics of Legal Empowerment

The Overseas Development Institute has published a new report entitled The Politics of Legal Empowerment – Legal mobilisation strategies and implications for development. It concludes that legal mobilisation can improve the lives of poor or marginalised people by:

  • contributing to pro-poor change in policy, law and regulation of service delivery across different sectors;
  • advancing the realisation of rights, and achieving redress for rights violations; contesting unjust and illegal practices of resource allocation and power relations, including in relation to land and natural resources;
  • enabling citizens to exercise social accountability through legal action.

It also argues that the outcomes of legal empowerment of the poor are not politically neutral and need to be understood within broader social and political environments. It states that better coordination between justice, sector and governance interventions will maximise the development and social impact of international support for legal empowerment.

Read the full report on the ODI’s website.

July 16, 2014 | Namati