Branice Mengesa

Sub-grants Officer

Branice Mengesa is the Sub-grants Officer at Namati. In her role, Branice will lead the pre-assessment process, working with potential partners to collect and analyze a variety of documents and data, manage sub-grant agreements and financial reporting whilst ensuring compliance to set policies and guidelines. Branice is a CPA (K), a certified PMP professional from the PMI and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (Finance) from the University of Nairobi. As a Financial and Grants Specialist, Branice has over nine years’ experience in grants, financial administration, management and control allied to programme due diligence and implementation with demonstrable experience in the financial management of FCDO, USAID, DANIDA, NORAD and other donor-funded projects ensuring compliance with donor standards. Prior to joining Namati, Branice was the Finance Officer at the BBC Media Action, supporting the management of the financial and grant aspects of the NORAD funded Bridges project and previously a consultant Finance and Budgeting Specialist at EAMDA (East Africa Market Development Associates), providing in-depth analysis of budget proposals submitted by grantees for the ATI project implemented by DAI. She also provided grants, financial, budgeting and administrative support to a huge portfolio cutting across seven countries (Kenya, Colombia, Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa) implemented by the Palladium Group where she served as the Grants Officer for the UK PACT programme. Before joining Palladium, Branice was a Finance Officer at Tetra Tech International Development for four years and previously at the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS).

Branice is a fitness enthusiast, a passionate social and environmental justice advocate and volleyballer who loves traveling, reading and cooking chapati.