The TAP Network is excited to present “Advocacy: Justice and the SDGs,” a guide for civil society, activists, and policy practitioners. It is our hope that it will help its users use the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to successfully advocate for a national justice plan in their country. We are united in our belief that legal empowerment and access to justice are essential to the overall success of the SDGs.
This how-to resource guide is an online version of the “Advocacy: Justice and the SDGs” guide, which is available to download as a complete resource here. The online version that follows below separates the publication into individual chapters and includes links to related resources in each section.
This Guide by the TAP Network provides a comprehensive approach to translate international justice commitments into national reform. The steps in the Guide will support individuals working to promote legal empowerment and access to justice at the national level.
This section contains background information about the SDGs and the need for justice to be included. Legal empowerment and access to justice principles are found in the 2030 Agenda, but guaranteed access to effective and affordable legal services are missing. In order to meet Goal 16, to provide access to justice, action must be taken to use governments’ commitment to the SDGs to push for national justice reforms.
This section discusses the use of SDGs in pushing for national reform and the importance of advocating for a national justice plan. Advice and other complementary guides are included for those who do not believe that a national justice plan is applicable to their situation or if the promotion of a national justice plan is not successful.
This section from the Guide outlines the steps needed to determine what should be included in a national justice plan, how to enlist like-minded reformers to advocate for the plan, and the process for successfully delivering and monitoring the progress of a national justice plan.
This section from the Guide provides solutions to potential challenges advocating for a national justice plan. The section will also share ideas on how global and regional platforms can support national level advocacy.
This section from the Guide explains how to be aware of international development in order to identify opportunities to leverage support in your own efforts through international forums and processes.