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Training Manual on Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a long standing, complex, and global problem. It is a pervasive public health and human rights problem throughout the world. Anyone can experience GBV, but women and girls are affected more frequently than men and boys. It requires attention and effort from a wide range of actors. It is a priority protection issue. Medical and public health organizations, humanitarian aid organizations, United Nations (UN) agencies, governments, and private donors can and must cooperate to eradicate GBV. These actors have responsibility for taking action to ensure appropriate survivor support, to deal with perpetrators, and to establish effective prevention strategies.

The curriculum in this Training Manual enables the trainer to conduct a three or more day training and planning workshop. The curriculum begins with training and discussion about the basic concepts and principles that will lead participants to a clear understanding of the term “gender-based violence”. The curriculum continues with detailed information about the consequences of GBV and survivor support services needed. The curriculum also covers the causes and contributing factors, which leads to participants to an understanding of prevention and the ability to develop effective prevention strategies.

Uploaded on: Jun 14, 2016
Year Published: 2014
Author: Chinga Govhati

Resource Tags

Resource Type: Practitioner Resources Issues: Children's Rights, Community Paralegals, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Women's Rights Tool Type: Manuals & Guides, Training Resources & Popular Education Method: Mediation & Conflict Resolution Languages: English Regions: Zimbabwe