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Help shape a more just response and recovery to COVID-19

Over the past few weeks, grassroots justice defenders have been sharing stories of courage and resilience on our online space dedicated to COVID-19. It’s becoming clear that, around the world, we are wrestling with similar issues while supporting communities during the pandemic. It’s time for us to take action.

Together with members of the Legal Empowerment Network, we will advocate for greater resources and support for grassroots justice groups as a means of ensuring a just response and recovery from this global crisis. But to do this, we need to put forth our best ideas and clearest examples.

The COVID-19 Justice Challenge

We’re calling on you, and all grassroots justice groups, to take 10 minutes to share your experience.

Two questions are particularly urgent for our community:

  • How is your organization adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What kinds of resources do you require to remain effective?

We need to move quickly to influence the pandemic responses currently being designed by world leaders and donors. The COVID-19 Justice Challenge will remain open for a week, until May 8th.

We are all in this together. So let’s work together to come up with lasting solutions and advocate for the resources we need to implement them.



April 30, 2020 | Namati Author

Region: > Global