Last month on #SocialJusticeDay, Namati, @TheElders & @walktogether were in Buenos Aires to honor the winners of the Grassroots Justice Prize. It was also the day the #JusticeForAll global campaign was launched. Take a look at this important moment.
World governments committed to access to #JusticeForAll in the sustainable development goals. Let's #WalkTogether to turn that rhetoric into reality.
— Vivek Maru (@VivekHMaru) February 20, 2018
Check out the recording from this week’s Global Justice Prize awards. #AccessToJustice includes #LegalEmpowerment. #JusticeForAll
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 22, 2018
I cried as I watched two of The Elders announce the Nomboniso Nangu Maqubela memorial prize for legal empowerment sustainability & scalability.Her legacy lives in these trying times for community justice workers in SA & elsewhere. #WalkTogether @GlobalNamati
— Lorenzo Wakefield (@LoWakie) February 20, 2018
#CommonwealthHRU @WalkTogether_ for #JusticeForAll
370m indigenous people are vulnerable to eviction from their own lands by the rich and powerful. Show you #WalkTogether with indigenous justice defenders helping to tip the scales toward Justice For All:— The Commonwealth (@commonwealthsec) February 20, 2018
On #worlddayofsocialjustice, we're walking for #justiceforall with @TheElders in Buenos Aires, supporting the @GlobalNamati justice prize, and starting the work of a new #TaskForceonJustice, chaired by Hina Jilani and ministers from Argentina, Netherlands and Sierra Leone.
— David Steven (@davidsteven) February 20, 2018
Join @TheElders and grassroots justice defenders from Argentina and around the world making #JusticeForAll a reality today. Together we can honour the winners of the Grassroots #JusticePrize, and #WalkTogether to call on world leaders to tip the scales towards #JusticeForAll.
— Walk Together (@WalkTogether_) February 20, 2018
Justice defender @MarlonJManuel on #legalempowerment and the need to #WalkTogether for #JusticeForAll
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
Authoritarianism is rising. But we can turn that tide by working to put the power of law in people’s hands.#WalkTogether for #JusticeForAll #HumanRights #RuleOfLaw
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
Join us to #WalkTogether with Nossas Cidades from #Brazil and other justice defenders to tip the scales towards #JusticeForAll
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
And the winner is… #WalkTogether for #JusticeForAll #WorldSocialJusticeDay
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
The award for innovation is in honor of Achmed Sesay, a great grassroots justice defender and a pioneer in the field of #legalempowerment. He passed away in 2013. #Walktogether for #JusticeForAll in honor of his memory
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
Today the vast majority of the population is deprived of the knowledge of the law and its empowering paradigm. Marginalised communities suffering injustice have two choices: succumb or rebel. #LegalEmpowerment can change this. #WalkTogether #JusticeForAll
— Navaz Kotwal 🌈 (@navazkotwal) February 21, 2018
Caminando desde el Cabildo hasta el Congreso de la Nación por la defensa de los #DerechosHumanos y el acceso a la #JusticiaParaTodxs #Diadelajusticiasocial @WalkTogether_ @TheElders #BACiudadDelMundo
— Derechos Humanos (@DHumanosBA) February 20, 2018
Arriving at Congress in Buenos Aires! About to call on leaders to take forward recommendations from civil society to make #JusiceForAll a reality. #WalkTogether #SDG16 @justice_2030
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
For 4 billion people, the protection of law is out of reach. When their rights to health, safety, property or equality are abused, they have no access to justice. Join us as we #WalkTogether to tip the scales towards #JusticeForAll. Sign the pledge:
— Justice For All (@justice_2030) February 20, 2018
The Canadian Ambassador to #Argentina, @RobertRAFry, on #Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy shaped by months of consultations across the globe with stakeholders. #WalkTogether #JusticeForAll #GenderEquality @IDRC @CanadaDev
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
Learn more about Kav LaOved and their work to legally empower and protect #migrantworkers in #Israel at #WalkTogether #JusticeForAll
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
Nearly 15,000 people from around the world voted for the The #WalkTogether Prize for Courage. And the winner is… Kav LaOved who defend workers' rights and enforce Israeli labour law by providing legal aid to vulnerable workers and running workshops in multiple languages.
— Walk Together (@WalkTogether_) February 20, 2018
#WalkTogether is a year-long campaign in the lead up to Nelson Mandela’s 100th anniversary to inspire hope in the world by celebrating courageous moral leadership for the freedoms for Peace, Health, Justice and Equality. #JusticeForAll
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
"Whoever around the world who fights for justice has an ally in us. It is our fight, it is a fight for justice, so we have to go on until victory." Justin Flores, Campaign for Migrant Worker Justice – Mexico and USA #WalkTogether #JusticeForAll #SocialJusticeDay
— Justice For All (@justice_2030) February 20, 2018
#WalkTogether with Campaign for Migrant Worker Justice for #JusticeForAll. #SocialJusticeDay #SDG16 #Migrantjustice
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
And the winner is… #JusticeForAll #WalkTogether #Migrantjustice
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
The award for scale & sustainability is in honor of Nomboniso Nangu Maqubela, a tireless advocate for community-based paralegals and #accesstojustice who passed away in 2017. #WalkTogether in her honor for #JusticeForAll
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
"Global financing for legal empowerment and access to justice is below 1% of GDP" – Mary Robinson of @TheElders and @WalkTogether joins civil society in calling on world leaders to uphold their promise to make access to #JusticeForAll a reality #SocialJusticeDay
— Namati (@GlobalNamati) February 20, 2018
Yesterday I was privileged to #walkTogether for #JusticeForAll with Mary Robinson- read here why she cares about justice and what must be done to support this vital work! via @qz @justice_2030 @GlobalNamati #SDG16
— Stacey Cram (@staceysc56) February 21, 2018
From The Philippines and Cambodia to Russia and Turkey and beyond, Mary Robinson and Ernesto Zedillo decry the shrinking of civic space and prevalence of one-sided justice. They call for access to #JusticeForAll in @qz
— The Elders (@TheElders) February 21, 2018
Around 4bn ppl globally live outside the protection of the law, leaving them unable to defend their rights, property & livelihoods. Mary Robinson & Ernesto Zedillo explain how access to #JusticeForAll can be an equalising force: via @qz #SocialJusticeDay
— The Elders (@TheElders) February 20, 2018
When world leaders made a promise at the #UN to ensure equal access to justice by 2030, we were listening. Now it’s time to act. Sign the pledge. #WalkTogether #JusticeForAll
— Justice For All (@justice_2030) February 20, 2018