At Namati, our people are our greatest resource.
From our staff to our board, we are united through an unyielding commitment to our mission and deeply-held common values.
For security reasons, not all of our team members appear on this website.
Nairobi, Kenya
Teddy Odhiambo
Teddy Odhiambo
Nairobi, Kenya
Teddy has over three years of experience working in finance and administration. This is why he is confident and excited about his present position at Namati. Teddy is a CPA-K with a bachelor's degree in education arts from Kenyatta University He enjoys integrating technology into processes to increase operational accuracy and efficiency.
Teddy worked as an accountant for Kituo Cha Sheria and Blue Door Foundation before joining Namati. His commitment to the universe through Namati is to provide his services in order to ensure an egalitarian future and a society in which everyone receives justice without bigotry.Port Loko, Sierra Leone
Tomlin Ben-Davies
Tomlin Ben-Davies
Port Loko, Sierra Leone
Zambezia, Mozambique
Tonito Alberto Segunda
Tonito Alberto Segunda
Zambezia, Mozambique
Washington, DC
Tran Hoang
Tran Hoang
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Vivek Maru
Vivek Maru
Washington, DC
- Human Rights Global Treasure Award, Article 3 (2023)
- Racial Equity 2030 Prize, a $20m award granted to Namati by the Kellogg Foundation and Lever for Change (2022).
- Global Pluralism Award, granted to Namati Kenya by the Global Centre for Pluralism (2021).
- Social Entrepreneurship of the Year Awardee, co-named with Sonkita Conteh, Director of Namati Sierra Leone, Schwab Foundation and the World Economic Forum (2017).
- Skoll Awardee for Social Entrepreneurship, Skoll Foundation (2016).
- Legal Rebel, The American Bar Association (2015).
- Ashoka Fellow, Ashoka (2014).
- Pioneer Award, North American South Asian Bar Association (2008).
- Community Paralegals and the Pursuit of Justice, with Varun Gauri and others, Cambridge University Press (2018)
- "To save carbon projects, make them fair," The Telegraph (2024)
- "Maryland makes historic climate commitment for new fiscal year," with Shashawnda Campbell, Baltimore Sun (2022)
- "Attorneys, Fight For Enviro Justice With Both Law And Protest," Law 360 (2021)
- "Bringing the Power of Law to the People" Interview with Sonkita Conteh, The Brockovich Report (September 2021).
- "Why planetary survival will depend on environmental justice," Los Angeles Times (2021)
- "Digital IDs Make Systemic Bias Worse," with Laura Goodwin, Aisha Khagai, and Mustafa Mahmoud, Wired (2020)
- “Myanmar is confiscating land that people depend on,” with Nwe Ni Soe, Thomson Reuters Foundation News (2019)
- “The World Bank Shouldn’t Hide When It Funds Projects that Harm Communities,” The Washington Post (2018)
- “To Stop the Relentless March on Climate Change We Must Empower Those Most at Risk,” Wired (2017)
- “Only the Law Can Restrain Trump,” Foreign Policy (2017)
- “Why Norway Should Lead a Global Fund for Legal Empowerment,” Aftenposten (2016)
- “It’s Time Canada Makes Access to Justice a Reality for All,” with Adrian Di Giovanni and Lotta Teale, The Hill Times (2016)
- “Barefoot Lawyers, Communities, and the Earth: Legal Empowerment and the Struggles for Stewardship,” Article 3 Advisors (2016)
- “Skoll World Forum – Three Takeaways for the Legal Empowerment Movement” (2016)
- “Access to justice for all? Now that would be a measurably good thing,” with Stacey Cram, The Guardian (2016)
- “Law and disorder: rough justice rules in the developing world,” The Guardian (2014)
- “Obama Meets Koroma: Time to Talk Land Rights,” with Sonkita Conteh, The Huffington Post (2013)
- “From Bribery to Empowerment,” with Margaux Hall, Project Syndicate (2012)
- A Letter to Rio+20: Sustainable Development Isn’t Possible Without Land Rights, with Andy White, NextBillion (2012)
- Akbar, Birbal, and a South Asia Regional Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluating Legal Empowerment (2012)
- “Legal Power to the People,” Project Syndicate (2011)
- “For the Sake of Fairness: Justice in Development,” World Bank Governance for Development blog (2011)
- “Law for the Global Poor,” with Tiernan Mennen, letter to the editor, Foreign Affairs (2010)
- How Sierra Leone Enacted One of the Most Progressive Land, Climate, and Environmental Justice Laws in the World, Sonkita Conteh and Vivek Maru, Environmental Justice Journal (2023)
- A Pathway to Climate and Environmental Justice, American Journal of Law and Equality (2023)
- “Give People the Law,” Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (2020)
- “What Do We Know about Legal Empowerment? Mapping the Evidence,” with Laura Goodwin, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law (2017)
- “Transforming Policy into Justice: The Role of Health Advocates in Mozambique,” with Ellie Feinglass and Nadja Gomes, Health and Human Rights Journal (2016)
- “Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment: A Review of World Bank Practice,” Hague Journal on the Rule of Law (2010)
- “Allies Unknown: Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability,” Health and Human Rights Journal (2010)
- “Between Law and Society: Paralegals and the Provision of Justice Services in Sierra Leone and Worldwide,” The Yale Journal of International Law (2006)
- Foreword, with Abigail Moy, Empoderamiento jurídico y abogacía comunitaria en Latinoamérica: experiencias de acceso a la justicia desde la comunidad,” Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia and Namati (2019)
- Foreword, “Guide to Organizing and Working with Community-based Paralegals,” Namati (2019)
- “The Case to Fund and Protect Grassroots Justice Defenders,” with Abigail Moy and Stacey Cram, Justice for All Policy Brief (2019)
- “Practice Guide for Environmental Justice Paralegals,” with Manju Menon, Meenakshi Kapoor, and Kanchi Kohli, Namati (2017)
- “Legal Empowerment and the Land Rush: Three Struggles” in The International Rule of Law Movement – A Crisis of Legitimacy and the Way Forward, Harvard University Press (2014)
- “Legal Empowerment and the Administrative State: A Map of the Landscape, and Three Emerging Insights,” with Abigail Moy, Justice Initiatives (2013)
- The World Bank: New Directions in Justice Reform, with Daniel Adler, Christina Biebesheimer, and others, World Bank (2012)
- Timap For Justice Paralegal Manual, with Simeon Koroma, Daniel Sesay, and others (2012)
- Framing Local Conflict and Justice in Bangladesh, with Maitreyi Bordia Das, World Bank (2011)
- Community-Based Paralegal Programs: A Practitioner’s Guide, with Felisa Tibbitts and others, Open Society Justice Initiative (2010)
- “Timap for Justice: A Paralegal Approach to Justice Services in Sierra Leone,” Access to Justice in Africa and Beyond: Making the Rule of Law a Reality (Penal Reform International, Northwestern University School of Law, 2007)
- “The Challenges of African Legal Dualism: An Experiment in Sierra Leone,” Justice Initiatives, Open Society Justice Initiative (2005)
- Ravaging the Vulnerable: Abuses Against Persons at High Risk of HIV Infection in Bangladesh, Human Rights Watch (2003)
- “The FTAA, Access to HIV/AIDS Treatment, and Human Rights,” Human Rights Watch (2002)
- “Poetic Meets Tragic: Tagore in the Light of Max Weber,” The Poet’s Challenge to Schooling: Creative Freedom for the Human Soul- A Generative and Critical Analysis of Rabindranath Tagore’s Innovations in Shiksha (2001)
- “Environmental justice from Sierra Leone to DC,” Empower DC 2024 Environmental Justice Summit (April 2024).
- “Conservation and grassroots legal empowerment,” Bronx Zoo (April 2024).
- “Legal Empowerment for Dignity, Democracy and Justice,” Center for Legal Empowerment of the Poor (CLEP) at OP Jindal Global University (February 2024).
- Carbon Markets and Climate Justice, Columbia Climate School (September 2023)
- Using the Rule of Law and Human Rights to Prevent Human Conflicts, SDG 16 Conference (May 2023)
- “A pathway to global environmental justice” in conversation with founder May Boeve, Temescal Works (May 2023)
- Using the Law to Unify and Empower Community Action, Keynote address, Waterkeeper Alliance Conference (June 2022)
- Fight a land grab, change the system: a pathway towards climate justice, Gruber Distinguished Lecture in Global Justice, Yale Law School (October 25, 2021)
- CEOs Commit to Helping Marginalized Communities Access Legal Resources, Global Citizen Live (October 2021)
- Ecomodern Justice for a Multi-Polar World, Breakthrough Institute (September 2021)
- Beyond Legal Aid: Legal Empowerment and Community-Based Justice, Decolonizing Justice: Advancing Community-Grown Justice Solutions (November, 2020)
- The Global Struggle for Environmental Justice, The/Nudge Global Forum (August 2020)
- Housing Injustice and the Legal Empowerment Toolkit, Public Interest Housing Workshop (August 2020)
- Jainism and the Struggle for Environmental Justice, Young Jains of America Day 2020 (July 2020)
- Environmental Justice, Harvard India Conference (February 2020)
- The Global Struggle for Environmental Justice, Stanford Law School (October 2019)
- Strategies for Deeper Transformation, Biodiversity Funders Group Annual Meeting (June 2019)
- Land, Environment & Global Justice: Sierra Leone and Around the World, World Affairs Council (May 2019)
- Leading the Change, Task Force on Justice Meeting (February 2019)
- Social Innovation Outlook, World Economic Forum (January 2019)
- Reimagined in the USA: From Inspiration to Action, Keynote address, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Annual Meeting (September 2018)
- The Global Movement for Legal Empowerment, Keynote address, Yale Law School, Bernstein Fellowship Human Rights Symposium (April 2018)
- Legal Empowerment - Advancing Human Rights by Transforming Access to Justice, NYU Law School, Bernstein Institute Conference on Legal Empowerment (April 2018)
- A Legal Empowerment Approach to Influencing Land Investment, World Bank Group: Land and Poverty Conference (March 2018)
- How to Put the Power of Law in People’s Hands TEDGlobal (August 2017)
- Can Legal Aid Change Power Dynamics? Experiences from India, Sierra Leone, and Elsewhere (October 2017)
- Legal Empowerment & Community Lawyering, Keynote address, PILnet Global Pro Bono Forum (October 2017)
- Global Goals in an Uncertain World, Skoll World Forum (April 2017)
- Rule of Law for All, Oslo Freedom Forum (May 2016)
- Access to Land, the Biggest Challenge for Women’s Empowerment, Trust Conference (2014)
- Economic and Legal Empowerment Through a Robust Rule of Law, World Justice Forum (August 2013)
- Legal Empowerment and Justice for the Poor, Council on Foreign Relations (November 2012)
- Constitutions, Institutions, and the Rule of Law, Stanford Business School (May 2012)
- Democracy in Question Podcast with Shalini Randeria, (March 2024).
- Gravity podcast with Alexandra Arneri, (November 2023)
- My Block Counts WYPR podcast with Dr. Sacoby Wilson, (September 2023).
- “The Global Struggle for Environmental Justice,” with host Rose Aguilar and co-guest Robert Bullard, KALW Public Radio in the Bay Area (60 minute program, May 2023)
- Awakin, "A Global Movement for Justice: Making Rules and Systems Work for All” (January 2023)
- “Global Grassroots Legal Empowerment: Interview with Vivek Maru,” Harvard International Review (February 23, 2022)
- “Advancing Justice: An Interview with Vivek Maru,” Leaders Magazine (2022)
- "A Global Movement for Environmental Justice," Stanford Social Innovation Review Podcast (June 28, 2021)
- "The Fight for Environmental Justice," Amanpour & Company - PBS and CNN International (2021)
- “5 Billion People Around the World Lack Basic Access to Justice. These Organizations are Out to Change That,” Ensia (January 9, 2020)
- "Funding access to justice, a 'cross-cutting enabler of the SDGs',” Devex (July 9, 2019)
- "The World Bank must clean up its act,” Nature (March 19, 2019)
- "India’s Barefoot Lawyers,” The New York Times (August 8, 2017)
- “Poor Law: The Rise of Paralegals,” The Economist (October 20, 2016), with Abigail Moy and Stacey Cram
- “When Land Laws are Not Enough, Enter the Barefoot Lawyers,” Place Animations (September 21, 2016)
- “New League of “Barefoot Lawyers” Will Transform Justice in the Next 15 Years,” Forbes (June 15, 2016)
- Leadership in Action, Sirius XM Business Radio (June 2016)
- “It Takes More Than a Law to Ensure Equal Land Rights for Women,” Reuters (April 15, 2016)
- “Vivek Maru and Namati: The Barefoot Lawyers Brigade,” Humanosphere (April 15, 2016)
- “Barefoot Lawyers’ Are Being Deployed to the Front Lines of Justice,” TakePart Media (April 11, 2016)
- “Leveraging the Law Is the New Way to Help the World’s Poor,” TakePart Media (February 19, 2016)
- “Land Rushes and the People Left Behind,” Boston Globe (February 20, 2013)
- Reverence and Transformation: Q&A on Legal Empowerment with Vivek Maru of Namati, Open Society Foundation (February 13, 2012)
Nairobi, Kenya
Wanjiku Mwangi
Wanjiku Mwangi
Nairobi, Kenya
Yu Young Lee
Yu Young Lee
Yu Young (YY) Lee is the Operations Associate of the Strategic Engagement team at Namati. Having grown up in South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, and England, YY believes deeply in a vision of global, unbounded justice that connects and uplifts humanity. She is eager to promote legal empowerment and grow grassroots community movements, knowing the power of learning and sharing knowledge. In the past, YY has been involved with TASSEL (Teaching And Sharing Skills to Enrich Lives), a nonprofit dedicated to providing high quality English education, food and medical aid, and community support to rural villages in Battambang, Cambodia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Film and Media Studies from Georgetown University in Washington D.C. In her free time, YY loves to read, cook, practice yoga, and tend to her plants.